Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where we're going we don't need ... roads.

OMG! Back to the Future is and always will be awesome!  Seeing it on the big screen was amazing and we had the best crowd!  Usually you go to a theater and everyone is silent and if someone makes a peep others tell them to be quiet.  Not for this awesome movie.  The entire crowd, including me, was hootin and hollarin the whole time.  Especially when Einstein zoomed off in the time machine and the flame stripes appeared...applause!  and then again Marty ... applause!  It was great!  People would even shout things out and we'd all just laugh.  Clapping, cheering, lol'ing ... not something that happens with newer movies or ones that have just moved to the smaller theaters.  It was sort of like going to one of those Sound of Music or Rocky Horror Picture Show sing-a-longs.  People were quoting things and of course the line at the end, the title of this blog, EVERYONE said it and then began applauding. 

Alright, I'm exhausted and it probably shows with my lack of creativity/wording.  It was worth staying up way past my bedtime for, but I'm thinking its going to be a struggle during work today. *yawn*

1 comment:

  1. So. Much. Fun!! I loved the audience. What a great time. :)
