Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Are you there God? It's me, Holly

I was asked yesterday about my blog and if/when I was going to update it again.  Life has decided to throw some curve balls my way and if you pay attention to my Facebook/Plurk/Twitter statuses then you would've seen my brief update (I erased it already) referring to how it feels that I'm getting beat up by this thing called life.  At the end of May and most recently here in June I've received some really difficult news about a family member and I"m trying to get my emotional and mental sides ready for what looks like to be a long haul.  I'm not going go into the details here.  Don't worry, I have a select few that I've entrusted this information to and they are the ones I vent, cry and laugh with about everything.  If you could just toss up a prayer, chant, happy thought, or whatever it is you believe in that would be awesome. 

My friend Jeff has introduced me to a movie called "Mary and Max".  This is an amazing movie about family and friends and just the toughness of life and at the end is the phrase that says something like God chooses our family members.  Thank God he lets us choose our friends.  You get the idea.  Oh, I love my family, but at times ... well, some of you know what I'm talking about...or at least implying. 

I'm also in the midst of training for the half marathon that is happening in September.  My mom has put together a schedule for me to follow and I'm very VERY thankful for her doing that.  Pretty much I get 2 days off per week to rest.  Otherwise I'm outside after work running around my neighborhood for about an hour so.  This past weekend she was able to come to town and we ran/walked our scheduled 4 miles and it was good.  I've been wanting to run along side her to get a sense of how her running habits are and the pace she keeps.  Tonight after work I'm going to circling my route about 3 times to get about 4 miles in.  I've realized that the first 1 1/2 to 2 miles is the toughest cause my body/legs are getting used to not sitting in a chair all day at the office, but then it seems that I fall into a stride and want to keep going.  Rain or shine I'm out on the days I'm scheduled.  And right now, it's been pretty chilly.  I don't think the Pacific Northwest got the memo that it is summer.  Oh well, it helps actually with the running as its not too hot. 

So, yeah.  That's where I'm at right now.  Work is keeping me really busy but it's steady and consistent which is really nice. 

Take care everyone and I'll get this blog thing updated as much as I can ... even with cryptic updates if need be.


  1. What up Hawry Dog! Kevin Caslow here! I understand trying times Holls. I don't know what your going through, and I probably can't understand what your going through being I'm not you and these things tend to be personal. But hey, I'll throw up a prayer, chant, and a happy thought for you ok? And it's awesome to see that your running around these days! Kelli and I have been working our asses off as well so it's nice to see that others are suffering through it as well. Good luck with those and take care woman!

  2. My thoughts and prayers include you always. So proud of you for so many reasons. Take care of yourself, my sweet. Mom
