Monday, August 30, 2010

get ready...get set...

GO!!! ok, maybe it's not go time yet, but soon! In 2 days I leave for So Cal, or Disneyland to be exact! Mom, brother and I are heading down there this week for the Disneyland Half Marathon. This is my first ever while they both are going for their Coast to Coast medals since they completed the Disney Princess Half Marathon in March of this year over in Disney World.

So you might be thinking, but Holly, what about your leg? You know, when you strained a muscle a few months ago? Well, I'll tell you. I made a decision...I'm going to see how I feel when I get there and decide then if I'll compete or not. To tell you the truth, my mind keeps saying "no! you can't!", but my heart and spirit are so wanted to push through and go for it! I know that if I don't at least try I'll always wonder and kick myself. I will just have to make a wise decision that if I feel that I can't continue or something happens then I have to stop. But I have to try....for me personally I need to do this.

I've been trying to take it easy, but as some of you know my company recently moved and I've been way over doing it. I'm feeling a little sore but doing the best I can with rest and keeping my leg up.

I'll keep you posted with everything. I've been pretty hush-hush with my decision as I wasn't sure how many scoldings I was gonna get.

I'm super excited about just the adventure part of it. And if I don't finish then it's not the end of the world. At least I tried and there's always next year. Yes, I will more than likely cry but not starting would feel worse to me.

Thanks to everyone for all your encouragement and prayers and thoughts over these past few months. I really appreciate it! More to come later!

RUN STRONG!!!! (that's what you say to someone that is about to start a race) :-)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm back in the saddle again ...

Well, actually I'm back in my running shoes again! After 4 weeks of taking it easy and not pushing myself after my leg injury, I went for a walk/light jog this morning and boy have I missed it!  Little confession to make though.  I was talking to Canada (my friend, not the country) the other night and realized that the reason I hadn't gotten back out there was because I was actually scared to.  Scared that I would reinjure myself and really feel like it was over.  But this morning at 4:45 I told myself to get out of bed, get my walking clothes and shoes on and get outside!  Glad I listened ... and even though its still warm out at that time of day, it felt so good to be moving around.  I only went 1.66 miles as I don't want to overdo it and kept an average pace of just above 15 minutes per mile.  The route I took is slightly different from the norm as the one I was doing before had a crazy hill at the beginning, so I went a different way out of my apartment complex to get to the main road.  It still has a hill, but not as steep.  And as I expected I teared up as I began running cause I had missed it so much!

Can't wait to do it again!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Songs I miss singing almost everyday...

cause they are from my childhood. But if you hear me hummin or beltin out one of these tunes in the near future, it's cause, well, these songs are pure awesomeness! hahaha...

• Who are the people in your neighborhood? - Sesame Street

• Care Bears Theme Song (serious! "care a lot! We care a lot! *clap clap*" ... song rawks!)

• Won't you be my neighbor? - Mr Rogers

• What's the name of that song - Sesame Street

• 3, 2, 1 Contact theme song

• This old man ... you know, he played one...he played knick knack..lalala

• Smile never frown ... yeah that's actually a song I made up and it's sort of a joke between my mom and I. It's sort of like Finding Nemo's "Just keep swimming" song

• I like to eat apples and bananas ... family favorite!

There's tons more, but this gives you an idea of just how weird I am :-)

Now tell me, what songs do you remember from your childhood?

Monday, August 9, 2010 over

You know that scene in GardenState when Natalie Portman's character says something stupid to Zach Braff's character and she's all "oh man! Why did I just say that?! I'm sorry that was dumb of me." and then she proceeds to tell him how she likes to make up for that dumb moment by doing something make a weird noise or whatever? .... I so totally do that! And I find that I'll be thinking of a situation, conversation, reply, online post or whatever that happened recent or not and I'll just blurt out a random sigh or blarg or mur or something like that. It's true! hahaha...and now I must do something original that no one has ever done before because I've now posted a secret about me that no one ever knew about :D

oh and these original moments never happen in the presences of others ... and least not yet