On July 4, 2010 I finished my first 5k! Well, techinically that's not true. I once walked a 5k with friends back in 1999 or was it 2000? .. anyways, it wasn't timed and I was just having fun walking the route with my friends Jody and Rebecca. So for me, this was the completion of my first timed and official (for me) 5k! YAY ME! hahaha
Here's the scoop: I went to visit my mom in Bend, Oregon for the 4th of July weekend and had a blast! Mother-daughter time is always fun! We went and saw Toy Story 3 on Saturday the 3rd (if you haven't seen it yet, GO!) and walked the route for the 5k that was happening the next day. It's a very beautiful trail as it takes you around a river that quite a few people were drifting down on tubes, rafts, canoes, just about anything and everything! Afterwards we had a light supper of salads at Red Robin and went back home to get some rest and be prepared to wake up at 6 a.m. for the race.
On the 4th, just after 7 a.m. we arrived at the scene and there were quite a few people already present. For the timed people there were 394 that competed that day, but there were some that didn't want to be timed so the number overall is greater. It was slightly chilly that morning as there was a breeze, but I figured once I got running it was gonna get pretty warm. Finally at about 5 till 8 they had us line up at the starting line. And then **BBBBRRRRRAAAAAAMMMMMMM** (that's the sound of the air horn they used to tell us to go). I was not ready for what was gonna happen next.
Okay, let me back up a bit. When I go out for my scheduled runs/walks at home I start out at a nice pace. Not too slow, but at a good brisk walk to get me going and then I start running. On this particular morning for this race there was no easing into it. Everyone just darted off and I was swept away with the crowd trying to figure out what exactly was going on! I was seriously surprised, but I guess it helped get me going. At one point I got discouraged because we had stupidly placed ourselves near the very front of the start line which meant that TONS of people passed us. I ran for about a mile or so without slowing but realized that I needed to slow down. So I did. Told mom to just keep going and not to wait up for me. We all have our own personal best we want to beat and I knew she had hers.
I continued at a steady pace and made my way around the river. At one point I could see the finish line and people were already crossing it. Another moment of feeling discouraged. I had to give myself a pep talk that I need to concentrate on myself and the people that were finishing have obviously been in races many times before and I had only been training for about 3 weeks. As I kept going there were people monitoring the trail and on occasion one would say "you're doing great!" or "you can do it!". Seriously, those help soooo much! The encouragement on the route and everything really keeps me positive.
OH! I have to stop and just say that running makes me way too emotional. Even know recapping what happened I'm starting to get teary eyed. sigh. So throughout the race I would find myself taking gulps meaning I was about to cry and had to tell myself to stop. That's all I need, to burst into tears as I'm running down the road. Silly Holly. And just to let you in on a little secret, the same thing happens even during my daily routes.
So finally I was getting closer and closer to the finish. They made us run right past the finish line and go around the stage/park area which sucked cause I kept thinking "it's right there! let me pass!". But I kept going and decided I was going to run the rest of the way and run across that finish line. Mom had already crossed and thankfully met me at one point to give me some water. They didn't have any water stops throughout the whole thing....not very nice of them. And then, all of a sudden, I DID IT!!! I FINISHED!!! (and here come the tears! seriously, right now I'm tearing up...GAH! lol)
I came in at 42:48, 343 out of 394 and 20 out of 24 in my age catagory. Not bad for my first time! Mom finished at 40:27 so I wasn't too far behind. This is me and Mom after the race was over...I would've removed my visor, but I had "visor hair" and it's not pretty! And yes, we matched! lol
After everything was over, the two of us went to breakfast with a few of my mom's friends who were also in the 5k. Fran (who won 1st place in her age catagory!) and Susanne and their husbands. The guys met us at the Original Pancake House (super yummy-ness!) since they didn't run the race...I guess in our little group it was Ladies Day at the races! hahaha
Now onto the next and greatest challenge for me...the Half Marathon. YIKES!